Goals and outputs

To address climate change and the current energy crisis efficiently in the Mediterranean area, E-MED aims at Increasing the capacities of Public Transport Operators and Public Transport Authorities in the EURO MED area by testing novel solutions to effectively manage public transports transition towards energy efficiency and resource-efficiency.

More specifically, all outputs from E-MED fall within one of the following categories:

1. Planning solutions for improving energy efficiency & evidence-based decision-making in PT investments

2. Operational solutions for improving energy efficiency

3. Solutions to increase resource-efficiency in electric public transport

4. Integrated and co-designed planning for sustainable ramp-up of public transport electrification

Target audience

All E-MED solutions seek transferability and implementation in real public transportation operations. Among the many stakeholders positively affected by the work carried out in E-MED, the following play an important role in the actual acceptance and use of E-MED’s solutions:

1. Local public authority: Transport department, energy department, spatial development, environment agencies and waste management among others will raise awareness about the project outputs and leverage public and private funding through development of action plans.

2. Regional public authorities: Regional public authorities will benefit from the E-MED knowledge resources and good practices for their own uptake of solutions and action plans.

3. National public authority: Nation authorities are capable of enforcing policy frameworks for energy efficiency in the transport sector. They can also develop energy policies, transport policies and bring in circularity elements into economic policies.

4. Higher education and research organisations: Research partners provide input to the energy efficiency and participate in training and workshops as experts or attendees.