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E-MED Promotional video: CARRIS Partner.


COMPANHIA CARRIS DE FERRO DE LISBOA, E.M., S.A., usually referred as “Carris“, is a municipal public company in charge of the management of services of general interest, namely, collective public surface passenger transport, through the concession contract signed with the Lisbon City Council, its sole shareholder.  

In this sense, Carris is committed, in accordance with the ecological footprint reduction policies defined by the EU for the Member States, including Portugal, to create a sustainable, competitive, secure energy system, actively contributing to the accelerated decarbonization of the transport sectorand to the reduction of greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions to zero rates by the middle of the 21st century.

Thus, like so many other entities, one of the main challenges identified by Carris in recent years is related to its inevitable energy transition, whether of the vehicles (fleet) with which it operates: buses, trams and elevators, or of its infrastructures, equipment and resources that serve as the basis for the services (collective public transport of passengers on the surface) provided.  CARRIS has a fleet of approximately 750 buses and 60 trams and transports around 500.000 people on a typical weekday.